Barbara Saba
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Barbara Saba

Pricing & Data Analytics Lead Johnson & Johnson Medical SpA- Direttore Generale Fondazione Johnson & Johnson



Head of Pricing & Data Analytics in Johnson & Johnson Medical and Director of Fondazione Johnson & Johnson. Her career in J&J started in 2001 after 10 years’ experience with Colgate-Palmolive. In Johnson&Johnson she progressed through positions of increasing responsibilities in the Finance & Controlling area, both at National & International level and in her current role she is committed both on the Business side and in CSR through Fondazione J & Jn that she leads and that represents all J&J Companies in Italy Cross Sector. She served in the Emea Steering Comm. for J&J Women’s Leadership for over 10 years and is currently serving in the EMEA J&J WiSTEM2D Council that supports women’s careers in STEM. She is among the founders' team of Valore D. In 2017 she was awarded with Premio Minerva-Donna d’Eccellenza by Federmanager Barbara has a degree in Business Administration from LU.I.S.S. University of Rome.