Francesco Inguscio
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Francesco Inguscio

Rainmaker & Founder @ Rainmakers



Francesco is CEO and founder of Rainmakers, an Italian open startup studio + innovation advisory company (with its "Nuvolab" brand) based in Milan. Started in 2011, today with 40+ corporate innovation programs completed and 30+ startups in its portfolio (including 6 exits + 4 write-off) Rainmakers is a leading player in the Italian Rainforest. Francesco was also CEO and founder of COP, the first legaltech startup against online hate in Italy (and probably in Europe) striking back at hate(rs) with AI-powered tech and legal services. In 2011 he was also partner in Enlabs, the first business open incubator in Italy. In 2010 he worked for M31, one of the most important business incubator in Italy as Business Development Director of its Silicon Valley branch, M31 USA. Formerly, he has been working both for the US Market Access of San Jose, a first rate international startups incubator in Silicon Valley, as business developer, and for the Angels’ Forum of Palo Alto, a leading business ang

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